Tuesday, 15 January 2013

How to create a Glamelia Lilly Bouquet

Alternative Wedding Bouquet 

Popular in the 1940's, Glamelia Wedding bouquets are a glamorous option for brides looking for a vintage style bouquet.

Here you will see step by step instructions to create a Lilly Glamelia or Composite Bouquet using a very simple easy to use technique.

Ingredients needed to create Glamilia Lilly Bouquet

  • Approx 8-10 open Lilly Heads
  • Glue
  • 22 x 20g x 10’ (26cm x 0.9mm)  
  • Florist Tape (Stemtex)
  • CD Disk
  • Fabric Ribbon to decorate the handle

Step 1:   Using florist tape, tape four 20g florist stub wires together side by side.
Repeat 5 times so that you end up with 5 thick supporting wires

step 1 of a glamelia Lilly Bouquet

   Step 2:  Insert two single 20g wires up through the stem of a tight Lilly bud and tape to secure . Tape your 5 supporting taped wires alongside the wire stem and tape all wires together to form a handle

how to make a lillly bouquet

 Step 3:  Remove the petals from approximately 10 open Lilly heads.
Individually glue 4-5 petals around the Lilly bud and then glue an extra row of petals around this. (Approx 7-9 more petals)

Step 4:  Using a CD/DVD disc. Glue a row of petals around the center of the hole in the disk. Keep adding extra layers of petals on top on this row, filling in any spaces and working towards the outside of the disc. This will take approximately 5 rows.

Step 5 :  Insert the handle from the original Lilly bud down through the centre of the disc. Glue to secure. If you still see any spaces you can continue to add in extra petals where required.

Glamelia White Lilly Wedding Bouquet

Glamelia White Lilly Wedding Bouquet

To finish decorate your handle with fabric ribbon and the rear of the CD disc with a Fabric frill or glue on ivy leaves.

Spray with Chrysal Glory.

 Details of our Floristry Courses can be found on www.flowerschoolireland.com

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