Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Tip Top Floral Sundry Suppliers at the Dublin Corporation markets

Tip Top Floral Sundry Suppliers at the Dublin Corporation markets 

Tip Top  are a long established company with over 50 years of trading experience. 

They offer a comprehensive range of Oasis floral products, a wide selection of ribbons from inexpensive poli ribbon to organza and satin. They also offer basket ware for hampers and packaging such as cellophane and coloured tissues
Tip Top has a  wide range of silk flowers bushes and trees also.
Their memorial range is also extremely popular, providing an opportunity for family and friends to offer a tribute to someone close to them who has passed away.

Tip Top welcome you to visit their store in Dublin next to the cities fruit flower and vegetable market, they are open 7am -4pm Monday to Friday and 7am - 12 on a Saturday 

Tip Top have a fantastic selection of Silk and Foam Flowers make sure to go upstairs to have a look 

ireland flower arranging courses

flower school

Down stairs in TIP TOP you will find a fantastic selection of floral sundries & ribbons 

ireland flower classes for beginners

For more information on any of our Floristry Courses or Flower Arranging Courses, which are designed for both complete beginners and the more advanced students also. 


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Student Section - Pleating Ribbon

Box Pleating Paper Florist Ribbon

In conjunction with your class notes you can follow how to pleat paper ribbon. 

Step 1 Fold Pleat over on top - about the width of a staple

Step 2 - Staple this in place

Step 3 - Fold the pleat under 

Step 4 - Staple in place 

Only fold one side of the pleating, keep the other side "bouncy" 

Continue on until you have enough for your display 

For more information on any or our training courses email info@kaysschool.com 
Our Courses are designed for complete beginners 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Student section - Presentation Hand-tied Cello Wrapping

Folding the cello for Hand Tied Bouquets is one of the things our students seem to forget or find difficult.  We hope these step by step photos will help you remember more easily.  

Cut your Cello to the size of a sheet of tissue paper, 

You can use clear or coloured cello for this 

Place your colour tissue over the cut Cello.  Remember this is the Large Roll of Heavy Cello 

Pick up One Corner of the Cello to fold it over to form "2 Peaks" 

This is your complete Cello for to wrap your Presentation Hand Tied Bouquet 

For information on any of our training courses and workshops visit www.kaysschool.com 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Country Flower Baskets designed on our Commercial Flower Arranging Course

A recent Flower Arranging Course saw our students design these country baskets.. We have seen Baskets of flower become more and more popular, they seem to disappear for a while over the past 10 years, but they are back and we love them 
As florists they are a great alternative to bouquet of flowers and for the customer they have a prearranged basket ready to display immediately.

country baskets

country basket of pink flowers

baskets of flowers

baskets of flowers

For information on any of our Commercial & Hobby Flower arranging Courses, just drop us an email to info@kaysschool/com or visit the website of Kay's Flower School 

Success Stories from Kay's School of Floristry

More of our Students Stories 

Liza Keane has completed all her floristry training Modules at our Flower School and has been running a successful Craft & Floristry Business called Moss & Mushrooms from Ballina, Co Tipperary,  Ireland. 
Liza has her very own recognisable style particularly with her Brooch & Fabric Bouquets.  Liza is a regular at craft fairs and to fine out where she will be next or to speak to her about her availability for weddings check out her Facebook page

Bouquet training course kays schoolFlower Arranging classes

Liza During her Training at Kay's School of Floristry 

Past student of brooch bouquet training
Liza behind her fabulous stand at one of her Craft Shows

Liza with Franc and her stunning wedding bouquets

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Shirley Gilligan trained with us and completed all her modules before opening up Daisy Days Flower Shop in Kilrush Co.Clare.
Shirley also specialises in Brooch Bouquets and wedding flowers. Pop over to Shirley's Facebook page and 
see for yourself her amazing work 

how to make a wedding bouquetflower classes

Co Clare flower shop

Shirleys Shop Daisy Days in Kilrush 

For mpre information on any of our Training Courses drop us an email to info@kaysschool.cominfo@kaysschool.com